PEX disclosures & news

Changes on board of directors -AL-AQARIYA TRADING INVESTMENT - AQARIYA-20220602
Dividends Distribution Date -ARAB PALESTINIAN INVESTMENT - APIC-20220601
Dividends Distribution Date -ARAB PALESTINIAN INVESTMENT - APIC-20220601
Palestine Exchange - Other Disclosures
Changes of Executive Management-PALESTINE SECURITIES EXCHANGE - PSE-20220601
Changes of Executive Management-PALESTINE SECURITIES EXCHANGE - PSE-20220601
Palestine Exchange - Other Disclosures
Changes of Executive Management-PALESTINE TELECOMMUNICATIONS - PALTEL-20220601
Changes of Executive Management-PALESTINE TELECOMMUNICATIONS - PALTEL-20220601
Palestine Exchange - Other Disclosures
Dividends Distribution Date -ARAB PALESTINIAN INVESTMENT - APIC-20220601
Dividends Distribution Date -ARAB PALESTINIAN INVESTMENT - APIC-20220601
Palestine Exchange - Annual Reports
Changes of Executive Management-PALESTINE SECURITIES EXCHANGE - PSE-20220601
Changes of Executive Management-PALESTINE TELECOMMUNICATIONS - PALTEL-20220601
تعميم الغاء الأثر السعري-TAMKEEN PALESTINIAN INSURANCE - TPIC-20220531
General-Assembly-Date-JERUSALEM CIGARETTE - JCC-20220531
General-Assembly-Date-JERUSALEM CIGARETTE - JCC-20220531
Palestine Exchange - General Assemblies
General-Assembly-Date-ARAB INVESTORS - ARAB-20220531
General-Assembly-Date-ARAB INVESTORS - ARAB-20220531
Palestine Exchange - General Assemblies
تعميم الغاء الأثر السعري-TAMKEEN PALESTINIAN INSURANCE - TPIC-20220531
Dividends Distribution Date -THE NATIONAL CARTON INDUSTRY - NCI-20220530
Dividends Distribution Date -THE NATIONAL CARTON INDUSTRY - NCI-20220530
Palestine Exchange - Other Disclosures