Disclosures Related to G.A.M-PALESTINE INSURANCE - PICO-20220525
Dividends Distribution Date -PALESTINE INVESTMENT BANK - PIBC-20220524
Major deal with a related party-PALESTINE DEVELOPMENT & INVESTMENT - PADICO-20220524
General-Assembly-Decisions-NATIONAL ALUMINUM AND PROFILE - NAPCO-20220524
Dividends Distribution Date -PALESTINE INVESTMENT BANK - PIBC-20220524
Major deal with a related party-PALESTINE DEVELOPMENT & INVESTMENT - PADICO-20220524
Major deal with a related party-PALESTINE TELECOMMUNICATIONS - PALTEL-20220523
General-Assembly-Date-NATIONAL ALUMINUM AND PROFILE - NAPCO-20220523
Major deal with a related party-PALESTINE TELECOMMUNICATIONS - PALTEL-20220523
Changes on board of directors -PALAQAR FOR REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT - PALAQAR-20220519
Dividends Distribution Date -GLOBAL UNITED INSURANCE - GUI-20220519
Changes on board of directors -PALAQAR FOR REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT - PALAQAR-20220519